Ways to fully utilize your Gmail account

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Gmail is the best platform with great features to explore.

There are so many important things to know about Gmail
Since it launched in 2004, Gmail has won over 1.4 billion of us to become the world’s most-used email provider. That’s mainly thanks to its intuitive interface and convenient synchronisation with other Google products like Drive and Calendar. However, the fact that it’s always evolving and adding new tools means that it has many cool capabilities many of us have yet to discover.


Do you know, you can schedule an email to be sent anytime you want?

This feature is to enable you to schedule your massage to be sent at any time of your choice.

Maybe you have already written your email to be sent the next day.

Schedule send feature will enable you .

How can I schedule my email?

Try this trick, before clicking on sent arrow

Click on the upward arrow besides the send button

Click on schedule send

choose a future date and time for your email and Save it.

The email will automatically deliver to the recipient.


Spelling and grammertic error is a common mistake make, when composing an email.

Sometimes our mind is occupied with a lot of activities which may affect your writing.

That is why, is very important to go through your email before sending it.

Gmail have provide the user a simple ways to avoid spelling and grammatic error.

Simply activate your autocorrect to enable you to compose email without errors.

How can I activate my auto-correct?

Go to settings

Check out the general tab and activate it.


Sometimes too many activities and engagement occupied our desks.

Which might make you to forget to reply your massages

Nudge feature will remind you to reply your massages at a certain amount of time.

you will get a notification at the top of your inbox to remind you to reply to your email.

Nudge also help you to follow up email you sent,.but for which you haven’t received a response.

How to enable nudge feature?

Click on the gear icon
Choose setting on the pop-up menu

Open general tab and scroll down to nudge.


Have you sent email and you want to recall it?

Gmail undo send feature enable you pull back and email you’ve got sent.

Since 2015 Gmail has allowed users to recall email send by mistake

But many users don’t realized they can undo a massage send by mistake.

Gmail provide a feature that gives you a small window of time (30 second) interval to recall a sent massage.

How can I recall a sent massage?

You must first enable your undo send feature by going to settings menu and enable it.

Click the check box next to the undo send option to enable it


Confidential mode enable you to set and expiration date while sending an email.

This feature enable the user to send a private email with confidential information.

With confidential mode, your email cannot be shared, download, copy, print or forward to another person.

Confidential mode enable the user to set a password to also protect the email before sending to the receiver.

Recipient, received the email with password via SMS.

Confidential mode can be set on timing

the recipient, received your email

In a period a of time,

At the appropriate time, the email automatically be deleted.

How can I set me Gmail in confidential mode?

Once you’ve compose your email, click the clock icon below the right hand corner of the email and set the the expiry date.


Offline feature enable the user to read or reply to any emails offline with internet connection.

To enable this feature, you will need chrome browser.

Offline mode make it easy not to Missed out on important massage

To enable offline mode, go to settings, move to the display option and click on the offline mode


Sometimes you may be worried if someone else has accessed your Gmail account.

Gmail is more concerned about users security, with Google tracker.

It’s risk to logging your Gmail account is a public computer without proper dismissal for security purposes.

Anybody can compromise with your Gmail account.

With Gmail tracker, you can tell whether someone else is using or used your Gmail account.

Google tracks your account usage and record the last seen

To check your last seen, check the lower corner of your computer screen.


Gmail have provide feature to silence irrelevant conversation

Sometimes in an official discussion you may not need distraction, it’s may be annoying.

Gmail provide users with tips to mute unwanted conversation.

Select the email and tap on the three dots Icon on the bar of your computer

Then click mute to silence further emails this will

This will automatically archived

When you mute a conversation in Gmail, future email will go directly to your archives.

To start seeing your message again, simply un-mute


Sometimes you can be so engrossed in your work that you miss an important email come in, but Gmail allows desktop notifications without using Outlook or Apple Mail. You can also choose to receive notifications only for messages that are labelled ‘Important’ to ensure you’re interrupted only when need be.
To set up notifications, click the gear icon, go to Settings, then scroll down to Desktop Notifications. Also, if you find you sometimes miss messages that are sent to Gmail’s alternate inboxes (Social, Promotions and Updates), you can ensure they go to your primary inbox by turning off these tabs under Settings > Inbox, while if you want to ensure messages from specific senders go to Primary, you can add a filter in the Filters tab


Gmail uses labels, rather than folders, to give us much more flexibility in how we organise our inbox. You can use labels to organise projects by creating a new label per project then archiving the label when the project’s complete.This can help you keep track of what’s happening, while also preserving a record of your work and correspondence if you need to refer back to it later. For the ultimate in email hygiene, you can also choose to show and hide different labels to reflect current priorities.