How To Add Your Website To Bing Search Engine

Bing logo 2016.svg
Bing logo 2016.svg

Bing, sometimes also referred to as Bing Search, is a search engine developed by Microsoft and primarily known for being a search engine website accessible by visiting

It is important to manually submit your website to search engines for the reasons below:

  • Peace of mind – when it comes to SEO, it’s better to be safe than sorry. For how quick manually submitting your site is, it’s worth doing it.
  • Tell search engines about your site directly – Submitting your site via the methods below allows you to tell Google (and others) important information about your site, mostly about content updates and important changes.
  • It’s an easy improvement opportunity – By submitting your site you get access to various tools that can help improve your website. In addition, you can inform them that the content is now been updated and requires to be crawled again.

Before you get started submitting your site to search engines, here are a few things you’ll need. First, you’ll need to be able to access and edit your website.

Backend access is not necessary to submit a website to search engines, but it may be helpful if you need to add things later down the line.

For example:

  • If the website doesn’t have a sitemap
  • If website needs a robot.txt file.
  • If there’s no Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools implemented.

With access to a site, it makes being able to add them in a lot easier.

These are key requirements for getting a site indexed. In fact, having a correct setup sitemap is one of the most important things you can do to help your site get picked up by search engines.

Don’t forget that having access to the two main search engines toolsets is needed too:

Google Search Console

Before submitting your website to Google, you’ll need to set up Search Console and verify website ownership.

To verify your website, copy the DNS TXT record and add it to your domain name provider in order to verify domain ownership.


How to verify domain ownership using DNS records

Verifying your site with the DNS record is the recommended method as you can leave the DNS record forever and it doesn’t add extra code to your site.

Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing makes setting up Webmaster Tools very easy. If you’ve got Search Console setup already, you can actually just import your sites.

Once you’ve signed up, just hit the Import button:

Import Search Console settings into Bing

This is an easy way to get your site into Bing Webmaster Tools.

So now you’ve got everything you need setup, it’s time to start submitting your site to all the major search engines.

How To Submit Your Website to Bing:

First, you need to go to Bing Webmaster Tools. You’ll need to make sure you have set it up for your site.

Just like Search Console, submitting your sitemap in Bing is simple. Just choose ‘Sitemaps’ from the menu, paste in your sitemap URL and hit Submit.

Bing URL Submissions Plugin

If your site is powered by WordPress, there’s an easier way for you to submit your content to Bing using their Bing URL Submissions plugin.

Free to use and easy to activate, the plugin will automatically submit your new or updated content directly to Bing’s search index after you’ve added your API key:

Activating the Bing URL Submissions WordPress Plugin

There are a few features you can play around with, such as:

  • The automatic submission feature you can toggle on and off, based on your needs.
  • Manual URL submission.
  • View recent URLs submitted through the plugin, which can be also downloaded as a handy list to keep track of.
  • The possibility to re-submit recent URLs.


Here Is Another Method To Submit Your Site To Bing:


You can submit up to 10,000 webpage URLs per day to Bing. When you submit your site to Bing, you also submit the website to Yahoo automatically since Bing feeds Yahoo’s web search index.

The steps is below;

  1. Sign into Bing Webmaster Tools. (We recommend setting up a Bing Webmaster Tools account. Fortunately, it’s easy to do. If you already have Google Search Console, Bing can pull your verification info from there.)
  2. Select the appropriate website if you have more than one.
  3. From the menu, choose Configure My Site > Submit URLs.
  4. Type or paste in the URLs you want to submit for indexing from the website, one per line.
  5. Click Submit.

Submit URLs tool in Bing Webmaster Tools.



Note: Bing used to offer a way to submit pages without a login. That tool was retired in September 2018.

Bing also offers the ability to submit URLs using their URL Submission API, which is part of the Bing Webmaster API.


Remember that there is no guarantee your pages will be indexed right away. According to Search Console Help, “Indexing typically takes only a day or so, but can take much longer in some cases.” Still, manual submission should bring the search engine spiders to your new content faster and give you the best chance to have your webpages indexed quickly.

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